Open your shop’s doors to more than 700.000 users!

Join our Belgian merchants who accept the Monizze card.
Meal vouchers
100% exempt, fiscally deductible and 1760€/year
Eco vouchers
100% exempt and 250€/year
Gift vouchers
100% exempt, deductible for most occassions and 40€/year
Activ’ vouchers
100% exempt and 100€/year

Accept the purchasing power premium such as meal and eco vouchers

The new purchasing power premium aims to boost the local economy. The premium can be used at all Belgian shops that accept meal and/or eco vouchers.

  • When a client wants to pay for food products with the purchasing power premium, you process it like a meal voucher purchase
  • When a client wants to pay for ecological products, you process it like an eco voucher purchase

Easy integration in your webshop

Monizze joins forces with payment service providers Mollie, Worldline and MultiSafepay. These collaborations make it easier to accept our meal, eco and gift vouchers online.

We offer payment solutions that are user-friendly and can be seamlessly integrated with existing websites or e-commerce platforms.

web shops

Accept Monizze in your webshop!

Also accept Monizze in your online shop, via our Dealzz platform or Activ’ platform. This allows your clients to shop both offline and online.

Why do our merchants accept Monizze?

Here are all the why’s

No transactions?

You don’t pay anything! No monthly fees.

Great client service

No on hold music or complicated menu

No paperwork

Everything is automated for your convenience

Increase your turnover

and attract new customers

Fast answers

We answer 98% of emails within 48h

Within 15 working days

your terminal is activated

More visibility

Appear on our app and search engine

No activation or subscription fees

Only a fee per transaction


Our vouchers are widely accepted by tens of thousands of merchants

For your physical shop: no activation or subscription fees!

Monizze is automatically activated within 15 working days. No activation or subscription fees, only a fee per transaction.

  • Meal vouchers 1,50%
  • Eco vouchers 2,75%
  • Gift vouchers 2,75%
  • Activ’: sport and culture Variable
More info

Dealzz: for the best offers

Dealzz is our online platform with exclusive discounts and offers on more than 100 brands. More than 700.000 Monizze users already use it to maximize their purchasing power!

As a merchant, benefit from extra visibility by offering

  • Gift cards
  • Discount codes

Dealzz isn’t just a sales channel, it’s also a digital marketing opportunity!

Activ’: everything sports and culture!

Offer numerous sports, cultural and leisure activities on our modern online booking platform. Also give special discounts of 10 to 30% on this sales channel.

A question?

Do I have to pay the invoices I receive?

You do not have to pay the invoices you receive from Monizze as a merchant. As a merchant, you pay no activation or subscription fees with Monizze. You only pay a transaction fee, which is deducted directly when a payment is made with Monizze. Every month, you will receive an invoice listing all transactions and transaction fees. 

What do I need to do to accept Monizze through my payment terminal(s)?

If the products and/or services in your offer qualify for payment by meal vouchers, eco vouchers, gift vouchers or the purchasing power premium, follow the procedure to accept Monizze offline or online. Completing the form only takes 5 minutes. 

What are the costs of accepting Monizze?

To accept Monizze in your shop, you don’t pay activation or subscription fees, you only pay a cost per transaction:   

  • Meal: 1.5% of the amount (min. €0.10 and max. €0.82)   
  • Eco: 2.75% of the amount   
  • Gift: 2.75% of the amount   
  • Activ’: activity-based transactions   

So you pay nothing as long as no transactions take place in your shop with Monizze. 

What do I need to do to accept Monizze’s Activ’ voucher?

Are you a sports, cultural or leisure organisation? You subscribe to Activ’ via this link. Activ’ is our online platform for booking sports, cultural and leisure activities. Hexeko, our technical partner, will then contact you. 

What do I need to do to accept Monizze online?

If the products and/or services in your online offer qualify for payment with meal, eco, or gift vouchers, follow the procedure via this link.

More FAQ’s

Dealzz: our benefits platform with the best offers


Your Monizze app has a new look and features
