The premium gives your purchasing power more flexibility. Until the 31st of December 2024, you can use it to buy meals, ready-to-use food and eco-friendly products or services. Go out to the restaurant, to the supermarket or use the premium to buy electrical applicants with the European energy label and products that generate renewable energy.

All about the purchasing power premium
- It’s a new governmental measure to tackle inflation and increase your purchasing power
- Use the purchasing power premium at all Belgian shops accepting meal and/or eco vouchers
- The purchasing power premium is valid util the 31st of December 2024
- You can check the balance and validity of your purchasing power premium at any time via our app or MyMonizze
Additional net purchasing power
Your employer can grant you up to €750 in purchasing power premium, 100% exempt from social contributions. The premium is a financial boost to help you cover your daily needs.
Where to spend the purchasing power premium?
Everywhere you pay with meal and eco vouchers in Belgium
Hospitality sector
At a restaurant or during the coffee break
Second-hand products
Such as clothing or electrical appliances
products and services
Food and bio products
At convenience stores or supermarkets
Retail shops
The bakery or butcher around the corner
Installations for
renewable energy
Household appliances
Washing machine, refrigerator or kitchen appliances
Public transport
or an electric bike

Dealzz: for the best offers
Get even more out of your purchasing power premium thanks to Dealzz! Dealzz is our online benefits platform with more than 100 interesting offers and discounts. Dealzz increases your purchasing power and boosts your inspiration.
On Dealzz, you will find two types of deals:
- Gift cards
- Discount codes

Discover our purchasing power premium brochure
Our brochure provides all the info on getting started with Monizze, MyMonizze, our app, Dealzz and so much more.
What is the purchasing power premium?
The purchasing power premium is an extralegal benefit that employers can give their employees. This measure from the federal government allows companies that have achieved good results to grant a premium. The purchasing power premium takes the form of consumption vouchers. It allows employers to grant their employees additional net purchasing power to cover their daily needs. Employees use it to pay for the same essential products and services as with meal and eco vouchers.
How do I use my purchasing power premium in store?
Ask at the checkout to pay with Monizze. If you still have meal or eco vouchers, they will be deducted first. If you do not have enough meal or eco vouchers, the payment will automatically be deducted from your purchasing power premium.
How long is the purchasing power premium valid?
The purchasing power premium is valid from the 1st of June 2023 until the 31st of December 2024.
What kinds of products and services can I buy with the purchasing power premium?
With the purchasing power premium you can buy the same essential products and services as with meal and eco vouchers. The premium is valid at all Monizze merchants that accept meal and/or eco vouchers. Discover our network.
I paid with my meal or eco vouchers, but wanted to pay with my purchasing power premium. How can I transfer a transaction?
If you paid with your meal or eco vouchers while you wanted to use your purchasing power premium, you can transfer a transaction from one type of vouchers to another. Log in to the Monizze app and open your transaction history by pressing the icon of one of your vouchers. Select the transaction you want to transfer and press “Transfer to another account.” If the balance of your purchasing power premium is high enough to repay the entire transaction, you can select this type of voucher. Press “Confirm transfer” to complete the process. The amount will be deducted from your purchasing power premium balance and transferred to your other vouchers. This functionality is only available for transactions from the last 60 days.